How can I make a script that choises a random map from lighting, then teleports everyone from the lobby to the map??
I highly recommend you use ServerStorage for something like this, not Lighting.
First you need to decide a random map and then teleport all players to a specific part in your map. This code is very simple since I think you're a beginner.
--Map maps = game.ServerStorage.Maps:GetChildren() map = maps[math.random(1, #maps)] map:Clone().Parent = game.Workspace --Only use this code if you want to teleport all players to one spawn. for _,player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if player.Character then player.Character:MoveTo(game.Workspace.MapName.MapSpawn.Position) end end --Only use this code if you want to teleport all players to more than one spawn. for _,player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if player.Character then spawns = map.Spawns:GetChildren() player.Character:MoveTo(spawns[math.random(1, #spawns)].Position) end end --Only use this code if you want to teleport all players but one to a different spawn. players = game.Players.GetPlayers() different = players[math.random(1, #players)] if different.Character then different.MoveTo(map.RedSpawn.Position) end for _,player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do if player.Character and player.Name ~= different.Name then player.Character:MoveTo(map.BlueSpawn.Position) end end