Hey guys, I really need some help here. I can't seem to figure out how to make a Player who has Joined my game spawn with a Specific outfit. Such as ROBLOX hats, pants, shirts, T-shirts.
I would really like to have a Step-by-step simple answer, as I am rather new to the scripting world. Make it simple. If you can give a direct code answer, and make the areas I can add/change bold/italic or something, that would be great. I just really need help.
Thanks for the help and advice, please answer. Thanks guys, xxfurryfox.
game.Players.PlayerAdded:conncet(function(player) player.CharacterAdded:connect(function(character) getall = character:GetChildren() for i = 1, #getall do if getall[I].IsA("Shirt") or getall[I].IsA("Pants") then getall[I]:Remove() end end wait(2) local givepants = Instance.new("Pants") local giveshirt = Instance.new("Shirt") givepants.Parent = character givepants.PantsTemplate = --Asset Here. giveshirt.Parent = character giveshirt.ShirtTemplate = --Asset Here. end) end)
it Should Work!