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Racing game help?

Asked by 8 years ago
Tracks = game.Lighting.Tracks:GetChildren()
player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
Wtracks = game.Workspace

h ="Hint", game.Workspace)
ingame = false
TestrackSPAWN = false

while true do
    h.Text = "Choosing Track!"
        ranTrack = math.random(1, #Tracks)
        trackChosen = Tracks[ranTrack]
        h.Text = "Track Chosen is " .. trackChosen.Name -- The track was chosen
        trackChosenClone = trackChosen:Clone()
        trackChosenClone.Parent = game.Workspace --Track is now in game
        if trackChosen.Name == "Testrack" then
            local Testrack = game.Workspace.Testrack
            local finish = game.Workspace.Testrack.finish
            local Blocker = game.Workspace.Testrack.Blocker
            local poocrap = game.Workspace.Testrack.SpawnL
            ingame = true
            --Countdown until race begins
            for i = 10, 1, -1 do
                h.Text = "Race begins in " .. i
            Blocker.Transparency = 1
            Blocker.CanCollide = false
            --Countdown until race runs out of time
            for i = 130, 1, -1 do
                h.Text = "Time left: " .. i
                h.Text = "Race over, nobody finished.."


I'm making a racing game and I'm trying to figure out how to make a functional finish line. I've made a script that works like a minigame script to where it chooses a random track from a model named "Tracks" in my lighting folder that I made. I've been thinking on making the finish line brick have a onTouched event so when it's touched, it declares the winner via hint or message and destroys the copied workspace racetrack but the thing is, I don't know how to make a script that selects the finish line brick. I thought I should make a variable but I don't know how to make it select the finish line inside the racetrack that has just been copied into the Workspace.

tl:dr I need to help on how to find out to make a variable of a part inside a model that has just been copied into Workspace from Lighting.

It may sound complicated because I suck at explaining things but I really want to make this game. If you know how to do this, please answer.

1 answer

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Answered by
BlueTaslem 18071 Moderation Voter Administrator Community Moderator Super Administrator
8 years ago

The simplest way is to give the finish line some good, unique name, like "FinishLine".

Then trackChosenClone.FinishLine will refer to that object in the clone.

You can then do whatever you want to the finish line:

local finishline = trackChosenClone.FinishLine

    hit.Parent = nil
    -- destroy everything crossing the finish line?

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