I've been currently working on a game where players will be given roles with tasks as their objective. However, I'm not having any ideas as how I could track each player's progress with their tasks.
My main idea would be to make a flag system, but I have no idea how to start. Should I keep track of each individiual action that would fire a server script that check if it correspond with their task?
What do you guys think? I'm not looking for a script, just ideas.
Well it depends on the type of game, Difficulty, levels,Teams, Ranks/Tasks, but i suggest making a simple flexible task system that is gonna track each individual's tasks and it gives XP/cash
You need:
A server script that is gonna take the completed objectives of each individuals and progress then it would give a new objective and the reward.
Now each teams objectives is gonna take another script to determine the team,individual, and server data then its gonna fire an objective random, or on the servers data (if this objective is already completed by another person or there's not currently need for this objective)
Theres a lot of ways to make the system its your choice and the game subject of course.
I hope my answer was helpful, Its quite difficult so goodluck.