Ok so I want to get the player from all of the characters in this folder so I can access their backpack and a custom inventory folder.
Here is my code:
for i = 1, #players do playerthing = players[i] actualplayer = playerthing:GetPlayerFromCharacter() playerweapons = actualplayer.Inventory:GetChildren() playerweapons.Parent = actualplayer.Backpack
here is the error I get
GetPlayerFromCharacter is not a valid member of Model "Workspace.PlayersMap.epicnmac"
Full Code:
while true do wait (0.5) if game.ServerStorage.Map.Players.Value == 1 then for i = 19,1,-1 do game.ServerStorage.Map.Time.Value = i wait (1) end if game.ServerStorage.Map.Time.Value == 0 then print "LoadedMap" local themap = game.ServerStorage.Map.Build:Clone() themap.Parent = game.Workspace tpposy = math.random(0,100000) tpposx = math.random(0,100000) tpposz = math.random(0,100000) themap.Part.Position = Vector3.new (tpposy,tpposx,tpposz) print (tpposx) wait (1) local players = game.Workspace.PlayersMap:GetChildren() for i = 1, #players do playerthing = players[i] rootpart = players[i].HumanoidRootPart playerparent = players[i].Parent wait (0.5) rootpart.CFrame = CFrame.new(tpposy,tpposx,tpposz) rootpart.CFrame = CFrame.new(tpposy,tpposx,tpposz) rootpart.CFrame = CFrame.new(tpposy,tpposx,tpposz) rootpart.CFrame = CFrame.new(tpposy,tpposx,tpposz) wait (1) playerparent = game.Workspace print "Parent Changed" game.ServerStorage.Map.Players.Value = 0 game.ServerStorage.Map.Closed.Value = true actualplayer = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(playerthing) playerweapons = actualplayer.Inventory:GetChildren() playerweapons.Parent = actualplayer.Backpack end end end end