how? im trying to make a kill script so if i say like ;kill soni it will kill sonichfan
what i think you can do is this server script:
local admins = { 1, -- user ids lol 2, 3, } game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) if not table.find(admins, plr.UserId) then return end -- if he not an admin then this script will just be like nope plr.Chatted:Connect(function(msg) -- if an admin chatted if string.find(msg, ";kill") then -- if they said ;kill (insert player name) for i,v in ipairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetPlayers()) do -- search all players if string.find(v.Name, string.sub(msg,6,-1)) then -- if there is a player with the name the admin specified (shortforms allowed) local OmaeWaMuShindeiru = v.Character -- their character local Nani = OmaeWaMuShindeiru:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") -- their character's humanoid if not Nani then return end -- if no humanoid the script be like nope Nani.Health = 0 -- kill the humanoid Nani:ChangeState(15) -- in case changing health doesn't work for some reason, we change their humanoids state to the dead state end end end end) end)