Hey scriptinghelpers, I'm working on a script for random events. I was wondering how I would find the players who didn't die during the "event"? I can't seem to find anything about this online or any type of sample code so I thought I might as well ask. I'm trying to find the players didn't die during the event. This is all the same map so there's not like teleporting I can check. I don't really know how else to word this. Thank you for your time and help! I appreciate it. I'm only here to learn!
This is a Script in ServerScriptStorage
local folder = game.ReplicatedStorage.Folder local rando = Random.new() local events = folder:GetChildren() local model = events[rando:NextInteger(1,#events)] while true do wait(300) local event = model:Clone() event.Parent = game.Workspace wait(60)--this is the event happening --this is where I would like to find who didn't die during the wait aka event event:Destroy() end
I actually put more work into the events than I did this script lol. Don't mind how simple it is, it works that's all I need! Thanks again in advance.