nvm all you needed to do was add ".Unit" before multiplying it
i made a raycasting script for a gun but i would like it to have limited range
heres my script
local gun = script.Parent local event = gun.Shoot local function OnEventFired(plr,mousePos) local shotOrigin = gun.Flare.Position local shotEnd = mousePos local shotDirection = (shotEnd - shotOrigin)*100 local shotParams = RaycastParams.new() shotParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {gun.Handle, gun.Flare} shotParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist local shotResult = workspace:Raycast(shotOrigin,shotDirection) if shotResult then print(shotResult.Instance) end end
i tried multiplying the rayDirection, but it just adds to the length, any help is appreciated :)