I have a script that isn't working. And what's funny is that its literally the script copied and pasted from the roblox api reference.
local function isPointVisible(worldPoint) local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera local vector, onScreen = camera:WorldToViewportPoint(worldPoint) if onScreen then local origin = camera.CFrame.p local ray = Ray.new(origin, worldPoint - origin) local hit = workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray) if hit then return false end else return false end return true end --everything above is copied and pasted from [here](https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/function/Camera/WorldToViewportPoint) local diepartposition = Vector3.new(workspace.Die.Position.X,workspace.Die.Position.Y,workspace.Die.Position.Z) while true do wait() local visible = isPointVisible(diepartposition) print(visible) print(diepartposition) end
well ,, what prints out is false and then the position repeatedly... but why false?? I'm very very very sure the part is ON my screen and I can see it clearly. But it 's still false. Any idea why? the script isn't working as expected
thanks for your time and i appreciate all help!