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"Spawn function requires 1 argument", but ive already given it an argument?

Asked by 3 years ago

Im trying to work with moving a vehicle. Im not looking into Motor6D's right now, im just fiddling with some stuff on my own. Im trying to see if I can execute this while loop function at the same time as another, and for that im trying to use the "spawn()" function. However, I always get the error, "Spawn function requires 1 argument." Here is my code:

local MoveVehicle = function(MoveTo)
    local TweenProperties = {
        CFrame = Vehicle.CFrame * MoveTo
    local Tween = TweenService:Create(Vehicle,TweenInfo,TweenProperties)
    CurrentTween = Tween


There is much more, but these are the only relevant sections. As far as I can tell im passing the Function "MoveVehicle" as the argument for the built-in function "spawn", so I honestly have no clue whats happening here.

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Answered by
tdgog 0
3 years ago

That is passing in more than 1 argument. Use this code instead of line 10


This spawns a function with 1 argument that then runs another function with a CFrame argument rather than trying to pass two arguments into a spawn function.


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