I posted a previous question about my datastore and was recommended to migrate over to datastore2, but it's not saving and I'm not sure why, this is first time using datastore2 so don't trash me on my code, I kinda got the gist of what to do from a devforum article.
local DataStore2 = require(1936396537) local leaderstats1 = { ["Level"] = 0, ["XP"] = 0, ["MaxHealth"] = 120, ["Qalium"] = 0, ["HealthP"] = 0, ["SwordP"] = 0, ["MeleeP"] = 0, ["ClassP"] = 0, ["Points"] = 0, ["Tries"] = 10, } local leaderstats2 = { ["Element"] = "", ["Sign"] = "", } DataStore2.Combine("MasterKey","Qalus") local function savedata(folder) local tab = {} for i,v in pairs(folder:GetChildren()) do tab[v.Name]= v.Value end return tab end game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) local datastore = DataStore2("Data",plr) local folder = Instance.new("Folder", plr) folder.Name = "leaderstats1" for i,v in pairs(leaderstats1) do local intval = Instance.new("NumberValue",folder) intval.Name = i intval.Value = v end for i,v in pairs(leaderstats2) do local intval2 = Instance.new("StringValue",folder) intval2.Name = i intval2.Value = v end local data = datastore:Get() if data ~= nil then for i,v in pairs(data) do if folder:FindFirstChild(i) then folder[i].Value = v end end end for i,v in pairs(folder:GetChildren()) do v.Changed:connect(function() local tab = savedata(folder) datastore:Set(tab) end) end end)
Whoever recommended Datastore2 may not have said some very crucial things, and may have actually left a lot of important information out.
Personally, the use of ROBLOX Datastore is more reliable, or the use of your own Database to store data for your game.
If you insist on using Datastore2 I will link a YouTube Tutorial about it here.
Datastore2 is old as well.