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An error keeps popping up in my script, how do I fix this?

Asked by 3 years ago
Edited 3 years ago

error states: 10:57:24.789 ServerScriptService.Script:20: attempt to index nil with 'Name' - Server - Script:20   10:57:24.789 Stack Begin - Studio   10:57:24.789 Script 'ServerScriptService.Script', Line 20 - Studio - Script:20   10:57:24.789 Stack End - Studio.

--Start local FavIDs = { 340106355, --Nefl Crystals 927529620, --Dimension 876981900, --Fantasy 398987889, --Ordinary Days 1117396305, --Oh wait, it's you. 885996042, --Action Winter Journey 919231299, --Sprawling Idiot Effigy 743466274, --Good Day Sunshine 727411183, --Knife Fight 1402748531, --The Earth Is Counting On You! 595230126 --Robot Language }

wait(0.2) local plr = game:service'Players'.LocalPlayer print('Local User is '..plr.Name) print('Gale Fighter Loaded') print('The Fighter that is as fast as wind, a true Fighter') local char = plr.Character local hum = char.Humanoid local hed = char.Head local root = char.HumanoidRootPart local rootj = root.RootJoint local tors = char.Torso local ra = char["Right Arm"] local la = char["Left Arm"] local rl = char["Right Leg"] local ll = char["Left Leg"] local neck = tors["Neck"]

here is a snippet of it

it compressed p0liceIFY 0 — 3y
It's probably because one of many things, the first one is, if you're making a dialogue and using Text, then its probably because you didn't put the text inside "". The second one is probably because you didn't identify the items you're using inside the script, So you will identify it like that, local part = game.Workspace.part. I hope my answer was helpful! shieldmr3 2 — 3y

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