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how to make a player chatted board (when a message is said, it shows up on a SurfaceGUI)?

Asked by 3 years ago

Hey! I own a group with a Training Centre, I would like to know how to do this:

A allowed player can talk into a certain part and the chatted message shows up on a SurfaceGUI In a TextLabel.

Ty for reading, sorry if its not in context much but I was in a rush

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Answered by 3 years ago

Alright, so you want to do this. To detect when a player chats, you have to use the Player.Chatted event on server scripts only

    Player.Chatted:Connect(function(message) --A parameter of .Chatted is the message string
        --do a thing

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Now we need to create a new TextLabel with the text as the message. We can clone a sample frame in order to do this.

local clone = script.Sample:Clone() --a Frame named "Sample" is now cloned within a vairable
clone.Parent = script.Parent.ScrollingFrame --There the scrollingframe has a UIListLayout to format the messages
clone.Message.Text = message --The parameter used for Player.Chatted

In the end we have something like this:

        local clone = script.Sample:Clone()
        clone.Parent = script.Parent.ScrollingFrame
        clone.Message.Text = message
        clone.PlayerName.Text = Player.Name --Just for convience
        --You could also use ranks, but that's for you to do yourself :)

Hope this helped, the above was an example. Keep in mind Player.Chatted only works server side, so do this in a server script.

Mind adding my discord? its Drantel#0001 Drantel 0 — 3y

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