Hi everyone, I've started to migrate away from Data Persistence and move on to Data Stores. I couldn't get my head round the whole Data Store concept at first, but now that I have, I have constructed a script to create values, and to set their values to 0 if the GetAsync method returns nil, otherwise it will return the given value from the GetAsync method. I also have it to set the values of keys when their corresponding values inside the value objects change.
However, I'm testing this script with the player/server mode (I used SetPlaceId on my locally saved place) and it seems to be giving me an error that I can't wrap my head around on line 10 of the script at the bottom of the post.
Attempt to index upvalue ds (a nil value)
I thought I knew how to fix this, but I can't fix it so that it still checks if the GetAsync method returns nil or not. So I'm kind of stumped right now.
The code below is in a Script inside of ServerScriptStorage:
local ds = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("SLStats") game.Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) local playedKey = "Played_" .. player.userId local wonKey = "Won_" .. player.userId local played = Instance.new("IntValue") played.Name = "PlayedGames" played.Parent = player if ds:GetAsync(playedKey) == nil then --This line errors, and I don't know why. played.Value = 0 else played.Value = ds:GetAsync(playedKey) end local won = Instance.new("IntValue") won.Name = "WonGames" won.Parent = player if ds:GetAsync(wonKey) == nil then --Same as the other if statement, so this would error but I don't know why. won.Value = 0 else won.Value = ds:GetAsync(playedKey) end played.Changed:connect(function(val) ds:SetAsync(playedKey, val) end) won.Changed:connect(function(val) ds:SetAsync(wonKey, val) end) end)
Any help is appreciated, thank you!
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